

Now that you have gone through the application process and have been accepted into a specific master’s program, t在这里 are additional steps you need to complete on your way to graduation.

  • 当前的学生 可以访问下面的其他课程材料吗.
  • 如果你是 返回的学生 but have not enrolled in credited courses within the last two years, please 更新程序.
  • 如果你是 证书,执照,或“课程作业”的学生, 您不需要填写以下项目. If you wish to determine if the courses you have completed could be used in a master’s degree, 联系 研究生院.

The following forms (aside from those in the “其他形式” section) are listed in the order in which they are meant to be completed during a student’s tenure in a BSU graduate program.

NOTE:  More detailed information of Forms 2-5 (excluding Form 4B) can be found in Section ll #7 研究生: Graduation in the 研究生 Catalog.  可以找到此详细信息的链接 在这里.



After students have been admitted into a specific graduate program and have completed 9 to 12 graduate credits of coursework for their degree, they must begin the process of completing the Application for Admission to 候选资格 form associated with their program.  If students need to make changes to their 候选资格 Form (such as substitutions for required program courses), 他们必须填写一份新的候选资格申请表.



Students must consult with their advisor as to who should serve on their graduate committee.  一旦委员会成员确定, the student must complete a proposal according to the guidelines of their department or program.  After the proposal has been approved by the student’s committee/department, students should complete the Culminating Project Committee Approval form, 获得委员会成员的签名, 并将表格提交给研究生院.

BSU Culminating Project Committee Approval Thesis/研究 Paper- Form 3

BSU Culminating Project Committee Approval Non-Thesis Capstone- Form 3


After the Culminating Project Committee Approval form is approved, 学生必须查阅毕业申请表, 这取决于他们的课程规定.  This electronic form should be completed at the beginning of a student’s last semester in their program.  唯一的例外是夏季学期完成, students have the choice of graduation dates; for example, 如果2023年夏季完工,是2023年5月还是2024年5月.


毕业申请- Form 4:  MAT, MBA, MPA, MSpEd Students


Students seeking a MA or MS degree will participate in an oral defense at the end of their program.  Only students who are required to complete a 研究论文 or thesis are expected to complete this form (不适用于凯普斯通学生).



The Confirmation of Degree requirements form should be completed by a student’s advisor upon the student’s completion of their thesis, 顶石, 研究论文, 或笔试.  All grades must be submitted before this form can be successfully submitted.  When it is signed by the student’s advisor and the coordinator of the student’s program of study, 它应该被送到研究生院.




This form is to be utilized by students seeking independent studies and thesis credits.



The 研究生课程等值表 is for students attempting to transfer credits to BSU or students looking to make a course substitution in place of a program requirement.

If courses from other institutions are being transferred to BSU, course descriptions should be attached as supporting documentation. Official transcripts with grades will need to be provided before the courses will be added to the BSU transcript.



Students have the right to petition for readmission after being placed on academic suspension AND/OR to request exceptions to standing university policies and procedures. Students must complete this petition in its entirety in order to be considered for approval.



It should be noted that this form should only be filled out when a student LEGALLY changes their name. The 名称更改表格, upon completion, is to be submitted to the Records & 登记机关.  If the student submitting this form is a Financial Aid Application or Recipient, the Financial Aid Office must be provided with a new Social Security card reflecting their legal name change.



贝米吉州立大学授权 羊皮纸, 数字证书服务, to provide online ordering to current and former 贝米吉州立大学 students. To use 羊皮纸, Firefox or Chrome MUST be the web browser used on a desktop or laptop computer.  Physical copies of a student’s Official Transcript can be obtained and delivered if 羊皮纸 is unavailable for the student to use.  A link to learn about transcript delivery and related charges can be found 在这里.